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Two Workshops to Increase Team Cohesion and Productivity

A team's culture is defined by the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors held by the members of the team. To create a culture of open communication, health and mutual respect it is crucial to empower your team to communicate both mindfully and strategically and to be proactive about their self-management.

The two half-day workshops that we offer, Extinguishing Burnout and Strategies for Open Dialogue are designed to help teams explore challenges that they may be facing around communication, setting boundaries, conflict situations and productivity management. Both workshops are highly interactive and include workbooks, group discussions, case studies, personal reflection and action planning.

Extinguishing Burnout:

Reset Your Habits for Optimal Productivity and Energy


The Burnout Epidemic

Burnout - the mental and physical exhaustion people feel when the demands of work exceed the amount of energy they have available - has been called the epidemic of the modern workplace.

Many employees don't recognize that they are suffering from burnout but their work product, attitude, and life outside of work are all adversely affected. Others recognize the problem but don't know what actions to take, or simply think it is a phase that will pass. The World Health Organization now recognizes burnout as an official medical diagnosis. 

Technology has drastically transformed today's workplace. The pace and volume of email and instantaneous information exchange has created an environment where we expect real-time responses and immediate results. Add in the common expectations of answering email 24/7, working longer hours, and checking our cell phones day and night, and it is no wonder that today's workforce is feeling burned out and overwhelmed. We rarely take time to "unplug" even though research tells us that we need to for our psychological health.


This workshop addresses the following:

  • How burnout is different than stress

  • Who is most susceptible to burnout / factors that contribute to it

  • Physical and psychological symptoms to look out for

  • Assessing your burnout level and determining your current level of control over the things contributing to it

  • Strategies for preventing/mitigating burnout

  • Creating a lifestyle plan for managing your mental and physical health


Strategies for Open Dialogue:

How to Approach Challenging Conversations with the Bigger Picture in Mind



The High Cost of Not Speaking Up

Opportunities to hold crucial conversations arise every day. Someone fails to loop you in on an important communication. A colleague constantly interrupts during team meetings. You disagree with a decision that was made. Someone' s personality triggers you. Emotions are high.


We often find workarounds, or completely avoid or ignore these problems, hoping that they will go away on their own. We don't want to deal with the discomfort or awkwardness that comes along with saying something. However, we often underestimate the cost of not speaking up. Usually the problem continues, or gets worse, and six months down the road we are even more frustrated and are still stuck dealing with the same problem.


This workshop helps you to elevate the conversation by addressing the mindset and perspective shift that we need to have in order to achieve productive, two-way dialogue. The tools presented in this workshop, which focus on how to approach challenging conversations, are equally beneficial for the workplace and for home. Learn how to reduce defensiveness, get out of your own head, and stay focused on the bigger picture of what you would like to achieve.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • The most common reasons that conversations go down hill

  • How to reframe your current mindset about the person or situation

  • Ways to minimize defensiveness when you initiate the conversation

  • Awareness of the crucial role of non-verbal communication

  • How to de-escalate an angry or upset person

  • Tips for getting back on track when the conversation gets too heated or emotions interfere

  • Preparation you can do to set yourself up for success and to achieve the best possible outcome for both parties


Each workshop is a half day (4 hours).

A two-hour version is available upon request.

Workshops can accommodate up to 35 people per session.

For teams larger than 35, multiple sessions are recommended to keep the groups at a size that is ideal for discussion and interaction.

For large teams needing a single session, a 1-hour presentation is available (for any size group).

Other details and logistics (room configuration, technology, etc.) can be discussed during the consultation call.

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